Company Policies

After Configuration Logon, company polices can be customized under the Polices tab in the Configuration window.

Figure 3.4 Configuration - Polices

To Change Pay Period:

In the Pay Period section, select a pay period from the four options: weekly, biweekly, half-monthly and monthly. Working records will be viewed and printed based on the length of the pay period specified here.

In the case of weekly and biweekly periods, the first week of a year must contain at least four days that belong to the year. Otherwise, the following week is counted as the first week of that year.

To Change Other Polices:

In the Rules and Privileges section, you can customize the following:

  1. Zero-length Passwords Are Not Allowed. - This policy should be checked in most cases.
  2. Manager Password Can Check-in/out Any Employee - A user with Manager privileges can use his/her own password to check-in and check out employees. This action may be necessary when an employee forgets to check out when leaving, for example.
  3. Only Manager Can Verify Outdoor Records - If your company requires verification for outdoor records added by employees manually, check this option to give the verification rights to user(s) with Manager privileges only. Uncheck this to give the rights to all users.
  4. Note is Required for Outdoor Records - Force making a note describing activities when an outdoor working record is added manually by an employee.