
Download CheckIn 2003 from the Dynalogical website to your computer. Double click the downloaded file to run the installation package.

If you obtained CheckIn 2003 on a CD, run setup.exe to begin the installation.

During the installation, the setup program will check to ensure that your computer has Windows Installer installed, and install it if the Installer is not found. Please restart your computer if you are asked to do so.

  1. Setup will present you with a Welcome screen. Click Next to begin the installation.
  2. Read the license agreement and select I accept to continue.
  3. In the Setup Type window, select Complete to install in the default directory (C:\Program Files\Dynalogical), or Custom to install to a location of your choice.
  4. If you selected Custom, click Change to choose where you want to install CheckIn.
  5. Click Next to begin installation.
  6. After the installation is complete, CheckIn 2003 can be started from the Start Menu à Programs à Dynalogical à CheckIn.

System Requirements: